機構簡介 Brief Introduction

Galop Studio 格立教室是於2016年成立的幼兒教育機構,過去兩年重點推廣幼兒舞蹈藝術教育及外展藝術推廣的工作,2018年於屯門大會堂舉辦第二屆暑期小滙演,不定時也會舉行外展親子活動。

Galop studio came into existence as a childhood education center in 2016. We promoted dance art and outreach program in the past two years. In 2018, we hold the second joint performance in Tsue Mun Town Hall, and we also hold outreach family program from time to time. 


使命 Aim

實踐『Passion for Kids』 及以兒童為中心的教育理念,並重視兒童成長,藉多樣化舞蹈藝術課程和活動啟發兒童的創造力、建立自信心及提升舞蹈藝術情操,以促進全人發展。

We aim to develop the confidence, creativity and artistic sentiment of children through various art activities, in order to practice our education philosophy “Passion for Kids”.


服務對象 Targets

2.5 - 16歲之幼兒、兒童及其家長,亦歡迎有興趣學習的公眾人士

Children with age between two and-a-half-years-old and sixteen-year-old; or their parents; or a person with interest to learning.


服務時間 Service Time

營業時間: 上課日子及時間

星期一 中午12:00 - 9:00PM
星期二 中午12:00 - 9:00PM
星期三 中午12:00 - 9:00PM
星期四 中午12:00 - 9:00PM
星期五 中午12:00 - 9:00PM
星期六 上午09:00 - 4:00PM
星期日 中午12:00 - 4:00PM

報名方法 Registration method

- WhatsApp查詢及報名
- 長沙灣總校接待處有限度查詢及報名


服務特色 Characteristics of the courses


The course designed are according to the syllabus of Royal Academy of Dance (RAD),  The Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD) and The Asia Pacific Dance Association (APDA). Students who are qualified and well-performed will be invited to participate in performance, competition and examination in order to evoke children’s performed potency and boost their self-confidence. 


到校舞蹈培育服務 Offering the school-based dance training



辦公室地址 Office
-  長沙灣總校(CSW)


- 東    涌分校 (TC)



- 長沙灣上課點B(CSWB)

- 長沙灣上課點C(CSWC)

- 東涌體育館(TCB)


- 何文田(HMT)


- 荔枝角(LCK)



- 旺    角(MK)


- 深水埗(SSP)

- 太    和(TP)

 - 土瓜灣(TKW)



 - 大    圍(TWW)


我的小樹洞 My Tree Hole

2019年年初將設立 Galop Studio 小總部 - 命名為“我的小樹洞”,小總部於長沙灣天悅廣場;本會另有國際認可考試場地提供芭蕾舞及爵士舞考試。小樹洞特色主要採用1:4-5 優質師生比例上課。
Galop Studio’s head quarter found in 2019, and it was named “My Tree Hole”. This head quarter locates in Smiling Plaza, Cheung Sha Wan. 1: 4-5 is adopted as the teacher-student ratio in “My tree Hole”. Internationally recognized examination venue is offered.  


鄰近長沙灣地鐵站(Exit A2),步行3分鐘即到。

Head quarter is near to Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station, where you just need walk around 3 minutes. 


歡迎各大機構、 親朋戚友自組開班或合辦課程。

We are welcome to cooperate with different organizations. 



課程查詢電話 :  9852 7014 (Whatsapp)

辦公室電話 :  6827 5198 (長沙灣總校)

網站 :  www.galopstudio.jimdo.com

比賽活動電郵 : galopstudioofficial@gmail.com

合作電郵 :  galopstudioofficial@outlook.com

Facebook : GalopStudio